1998年11月30日 星期一

About Me

羅民軒 1956 生於中原園,台灣 田尾。 中原園由父親 羅永發創於1947年。從小跟隨父親學習盆栽。 1978 畢業於淡江大學中國文學系。 1980~1998 得過無數獎項包括小品盆栽、真柏、榕樹、雜木、落葉樹…. 1988~2011 上百場國內外評審經驗 1992~1998 救國團盆栽研習營講授盆栽 1994 第一屆中華榕樹盆栽協會”榕樹展”金牌獎 1998 合創中華盆栽作家協會 1998、2000、2002、2008 中華盆栽作風展上選獎 1999 JAL世界盆栽比賽首獎 第5屆亞太盆景賞石會議示範表演 2001~2006 建國科技大學講授盆栽 2004~2007 北斗社區大學盆栽講師 1997~2005 多次到菲律賓、馬來西亞作示範表演,並及 南非、印度、美國(Golden State)。 2007 第四屆 中華盆栽作家協會理事長 BCI雜誌編輯委員。中國大陸、美國、波多黎各、印尼(第9屆亞太盆景賞石會議)、印度 示範表演。 受頒BCI 最高榮譽獎 “2007 BCI 芸術家 作家 攝影家獎” 2008 美國( Mid Atlantic) 巡迴示範表演 菲律賓 義大利(BCI) 示範表演 榮獲 義大利Certre盆栽首獎 美國Art of bonsai首獎 2009 匈牙利 斯洛伐克 波蘭 立陶宛 澳地利 阿根庭, 波多黎各(第6屆WBFF世界盆栽友誼聯盟)示範表演. 第十屆亞太盆景賞石會議 國際事務副主委 祕書長` 2010 “ 盆栽道途” 中文版發行 墨西哥( FELAB) 示範表演 2011 澳洲 越南 美國東岸巡迴示範表演 (BCI & ABS) 明道大學『明道講座』“盆栽道途”. 華風展“盆栽道途” 演講. 成立” 樹學院” . 2012 以色列 馬來西亞示範表演

MIN HSUAN LO received the grand prize of the JAL world bonsai contest in 1999, and he has won countless other honors since , that's include Ficus, Juniper, Chinese pistachio, Mini Size  , Deciduous ,Flower ,Fruit bonsai . From 1997 He has traveled to Malaysia, The Philippines, South Africa, India, USA, China, Puerto Rico, Indonesia, Italy , Slovakia ,Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Austria , Argentina , Mexico ,2011 in Australia , USA , Vietnam.   2012 in Israel & Malaysia for bonsai demonstration, lecture, workshop..
Lo was born in 1956 in Central bonsai garden--中原園. The family bonsai nursery was built by his father in 1947. As a child Lo was at his father side learning the art of bonsai. After graduating from the University in Chinese literature department  Lo return home to create bonsai.
He began teaching bonsai in Taiwan in 1992. In 2001 he started bonsai teaching in Ken Kuo Technical University and in 2004, he become the bonsai teacher in Pei Tou Community University.   Bonsai Class in Min Hsuan Lo羅民軒 Bonsai School every Saturday.   He was one of the founder of Taiwan Bonsai creator Association in 1998, Chairman in 2007-2008. Now he is the Honor-Chairman .
Lo contribute articles for Bonsai Club International, also for International Bonsai, Bonsai today & Bonsai Actual( Spanish). He become BCI editorial staff & director in 2007, . He get BCI 2007 artist ,writer & photographer’s award; and Certre grand prize, Art of bonsai Grand prize, TBCA grand prize in2008.  He is one of organizer of 10th Asia Pacific Bonsai and Suseki Convention & Exhibition in Taiwan 2009.  Technical Consultant of 14 & 15th the National Bonsai Association of Taiwan .  
Lo’s  book ”Bonsai Journey” 盆栽道途 was published in 2010, Bonsai journey describe his bonsai story from 1960 to 2010.
Lo is famous for so call “LO STYLE” ,with lots of vertical curves appears the old huge tree. This unique style is set up in the nature old tree came from the field combined with the beauty line from the Chinese calligraphy, and life philosophy of ancient Chinese philosopher.