2014年10月24日 星期五

Naughty in Bali 搞怪 在巴厘島

Naughty in Bali 搞怪 在巴厘島

Tour in PPBI

 What a great landscape on the top of construction!How come,
 Casuarina could be design so amazing!
 Private garden by Paiman
 Unique flower!
 Very appreciate this antique chair!
How about my pose?
 Well design bath room!

White tiger!
What a special size of banana!
Nice tool for clean Bark!
Coffee ! Coming from animal waste!
One of the best coffee in the world!
Incredible root!
With friends from Korea, Philippines, Indonesia at Restaurant
 in Bali .
Lo,   look serious!
Bird -Paradise

Bonsai in PPBI

I was shock  PPBI bonsai are improve so fast!
 Share some world top standard bonsai!


PPBI tour in Indonesia -Team of Judge

700 bonsai attend exhibition! Almost 6 hours serious
 finally done! All judge were tired!
Thanks for all of you!

Nakajima -Japan
Ng Shing Fat-China
Yamazi -Japan
Team of PPBI 


Demo in PPBI --Indonesia bonsai association 35th anniversary 示範表演印尼盆栽協會週年慶

5 Students attend PPBI 阿閔 阿隆 王會長 佩玲 阿榮 阿安
 Before demo阿閔 阿隆 阿榮 阿安協助表演
 In the middle of Demo 表演中

Almost 5 hours work! 大約5小時的工作!
I would like to share some idea of Taiwan High mountain 
juniper,also painting in Chinese !

PPBI  Indonesia bonsai association 35th anniversary -do a great
job for his convention! This is one of the top convention ever attend!
Budi & his team working hard for all detail , everything are so

2014年8月21日 星期四

FELAB 2014 Puerto Rico 2014中南美盆栽大會 波多黎各

FELAB 2014 Puerto Rico 

 2014中南美盆栽大會 波多黎各

第四次到波多黎各 很高興見到很多好友

The fouth times to Visit PR, happily to meet old friends



                                          Jose & Juan be assistant in Demo

                                                             Ficus Kingmen
                                                                Beautiful Hotel

Lecture in between Demo

2014年5月15日 星期四

久旱逢甘霖 Raining day

久旱逢甘霖   Raining day

2014年4月27日 星期日

台糖 景觀植栽人員研習班 盆栽道途 Taisugar Bonsai Class

台糖 景觀植栽人員研習班  盆栽道途
 Taisugar Bonsai Class


That's an unforgettable Bonsai class in Taiwan Sugar company
all the students were eager to learn bonsai knowledge
Taiwan Sugar will be great succeed about this field in the future

With all members under old tree
Japan style  house
Hundred years old pine
Giant old tree

榨甘庶石磨 &展示館
Stone made sugar machine & Exhibition hall

2014年4月15日 星期二

樹學院 樹學教室 25期課表

樹學院 樹學教室 25期課表
       1:  4/12 新學期開始 教室
       2:  4/19   真柏/赤松 0985939xxx
       3:  4/26 中台灣文化園 彰化市台鳳路
       4:  5/03 愛樹實作   教室
       5:  5/10 愛樹實作   教室
       6:  5/17 愛樹實作   教室
       7:  5/20 愛樹實作   教室
       8:  5/31 阿憬 真柏  溪湖  0919687xxx
       9:  6/07 阿芳 真柏  崙背  0933439xxx
      10:  6/14 愛樹實作   教室
      11:  6/21 愛樹實作   教室
      12:  6/28 愛樹實作   教室


2014年4月5日 星期六

Line! 戲作線象!

Pintanga! 20 years in pot!
Line for thinking!

Nature by nature! 天彫!

This Juniper about 45 years in pot! Dead wood in root almost 
by nature!

Spring is arriving ! 春色無邊!

Spring is arriving!
Chinese  pistachio!

2014年3月30日 星期日

The 10 times to visit huge ficus in Tainan

Almost every year  bring students to visit huge ficus in Tainan 
since 2004, This is the 10 times . Over 400 students ever here!

2014年3月8日 星期六

Incredible India 台印盆栽友誼

 Incredible India 台印盆栽友誼  

India-Taiwan bonsai friendship was help for 22 Fer to 2 March, She wen zen, Yu Chin yen, Ho yung yu & me participate this event. Support by Mr. Chen Chung Shing organize by Nikunj & Jyoti Parkei. Our team start from Bambai , Banglore & Mysore.

 Demo in Bambai
 Mr, Ho& Mr. Yu
 Master Yu
 Ficus …..
 Friendly cow
Demo & Lecture in Mysore